UNFCCC Official Side Event at COP29 “Article 6.2 Implementation for High Integrity: Updates, Lessons and Challenges”
A6IP(IGES), GEC, MOEJ, FOEN Switzerland, and Klik Foundation
In Person
Article 6 Introduction, Private Sector Engagement, High Integrity Carbon Markets
The implementation of the cooperative approach under Article 6.2 is gaining momentum as more actors enter the space and gain experience. The side event provided an overview of the status of cooperation and current mitigation activities as well as measures for ensuring high integrity. The focus was on reflecting on challenges and lessons learned from the perspective of both acquiring and host countries as well as the private sector. This will help interested countries and activity owners to better understand the A6 mechanism and the role it can play for high-integrity carbon markets.
The report of the event is posted on IISD Earth Negotiations Bulletin (ENB).

Time (AZT) | Agenda | Speakers |
Opening | ||
13:15-13:20 |
| Yutaka Matsuzawa, Vice Minister of the Global Environmental Affairs, MOEJ |
Session 1: Overview of the Article 6 rules and implementation between COP28 and COP29 | ||
13:20-13:30 |
| Supanut Chotevitayatarakorn, A6IP |
13:30-13:40 |
| Simon Fellermeyer, FOEN Switzerland Vicky Janssens, KliK Foundation |
Session 2: Ongoing Work Towards High-Integrity of Carbon Markets [Panel] | ||
13:40-14:40 |
| Moderated byHiroshi Ono, Exective Director, IGES Paweena Panichayapichet,TGO Thailand Madeleine Diouf DECC, Senegal Sonja Berdau, GIZ Proklima Vicky Janssens, KliK Foundation |
Session 3: Towards Collective Actions | ||
14:40-14:45 | Summary and Closing Remarks | Felix Wertli, Ambassador for the Environment, Head of Division, Federal Office for the Environment, Switzerland (FOEN) |