Landscape 05

A6IP: Paris Agreement Article 6 Implementation Partnership

A6ISR: Article 6 Implementation Status Report

ACR: American Carbon Registry

ART TREES BA: Architecture for REDD+ Transactions Bilateral Agreements

Article 6.4 Mechanism: Mechanism established by Article 6, Paragraph 4, of the Paris Agreement

CAR: Climate Action Reserve

CADT: Climate Action Data Trust

CDM: Clean Development Mechanism

COP29 CORSIA: 29th Conference of The Parties (to the Paris Agreement) Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation

DNA: Designated National Authority

GHG: GreenHouse Gas

GS: Gold Standard

IGES: Institute for Global Environmental Strategies

ITMO: Internationally Transferred Mitigation Outcome

JCM: Joint Crediting Mechanism

MoU: Memorandum of Understanding

NDC: Nationally Determined Contribution

OIMP's: Other International Mitigation Purposes

PACM: Paris Agreement Crediting Mechanism

VCM: Voluntary Carbon Market

VCS: Verified Carbon Standards

UNEP: United Nations Environment Programme

UNEP CCC: United Nations Environment Programme Copenhagen Climate Centre

UNFCCC: United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change