Landscape 05

Use of Article 6 Under NDC

Vanuatu will explore opportunities for climate resilient socio-economic development with international cooperation and support including carbon market under Article 6. National level market-based instruments, such as cap-and-trade emission trading schemes and offsetting, may be a solution in Vanuatu to price carbon emissions and keep the costs of mitigation in Vanuatu low. These will be investigated further for applicability. Vanuatu is in the process of implementing a national REDD+ programme

Article 6 Institutions

Authority to Provide Authorization

Ministry of Climate Change Adaptation, Meteorology, Geohazards Environment, Energy and Disaster Management, through the Department of Climate Change

Article 6.4 DNA

Ministry of Climate Change Adaptation, Meteorology and Geo-hazards

Article 6.4 DNA and Article 6.8 NMA Focal Point information is provided by the UNFCCC

Implementation Status of Article 6.2 Guidance

Authorization Arrangements

In place

Guidance Manual For Internationally Transferred Mitigation Outcomes (ITMOs) Projects in Vanuatu

Tracking Arrangements

In place

National Carbon Registry for ITMO accountings and transfers


Initial report

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