Use of Article 6 Under NDC
Chile recognizes that Article 6 of the Paris Agreement is a mechanism for countries to implement mitigation actions in a cost-effective manner and to advance in the implementation of new technologies in collaboration with other Parties, through Internationally Transferred Mitigation Outcomes (ITMOs), for ex - ample. It is also the only article that facilitates and/or promotes private sector participation, which is key to increase ambition. Therefore, at the national level, in 2020 we will establish a public-private dialogue roundtable to define specific policy for the use of markets, taking into account clear guidelines that preserve environmental integrity, avoid double-counting and promote sus - tainable development.
Article 6 Institutions
Authority to Provide Authorization
Ministry of Environment.
Article 6.4 DNA
Ministry of Environment.
Article 6.8 NMA Focal Point
Ministry of Environment.
Article 6.4 DNA and Article 6.8 NMA Focal Point information is provided by the UNFCCC
Implementation Status of Article 6.2 Guidance
Authorization Arrangements
Under consideration.
Tracking Arrangements
Under consideration.
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