Landscape 05

Use of Article 6 Under NDC

In order to promote and contribute to mitigation outcomes over and above its domestic efforts, Armenia intends to participate in market and nonmarket mechanisms under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, subject to relevant provisions having been adopted by Parties to the Agreement, namely in cooperative approaches enabling the use of internationally transferred mitigation outcomes (ITMOs) under Article 6.2 by other Parties towards their NDCs, in project mechanisms under Article 6.4, providing additional mitigation outcomes to support the achievement of NDC goals by other countries, and in non-market approaches underArticle 6.8 of the agreement. Armenia is already cooperating with the European Union and its Member States to promote measures at domestic, regional and international level, including with regard to market and non-market mechanisms for addressing climate change.

Implementation Status of Article 6.2 Guidance

Authorization Arrangements

No publicly available information.

Tracking Arrangements

No publicly available information.



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