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Publication of “Article 6 Implementation Status Report” by the Paris Agreement Article 6 Implementation Partnership Center

COP29 Japan Pavilion event
Launch of A6 ISR was presented at a Ministerial event in COP29 Japan Pavilion by Kazuhisa Koakutsu, Director of A6IP Center

The Paris Agreement Article 6 Implementation Partnership (A6IP) Center is launching the “Paris Agreement Article 6 Implementation Status Report“.

The “Paris Agreement Article 6 Implementation Status Report”(A6 ISR) aims to capture a snapshot of the current status of implementation of the Paris Agreement Article 6, which allows for greenhouse gas emission reduction and other mitigation measures be implemented through international cooperation among countries. The report describes the implementation status and challenges of the Paris Agreement Article 6 across the globe.

The A6IP Center will announce an overview of the report at an event in the Japan Pavilion at the Climate Change COP29, currently being held in Azerbaijan.

“Paris Agreement Article 6 Implementation Status Report”

To grasp the trend of the implementation of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, which allows for greenhouse gas emission reduction and other mitigation measures be implemented through international cooperation, the A6IP Center prepared a report based on the results of primary data collection as well as publicly available data (this is the first time to compile and publish the report from the Center).

The main highlights of this report are as follows:

  • Many countries are in the preparation or consideration stage of implementing Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, while some are actively implementing.
  • Many countries find the need to deepen their understanding of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, create national strategies, formulate policy frameworks, and develop procedures and systems, and are working towards implementation.
  • In addition, there is a growing awareness of the importance of promoting the planning and implementation of specific emission reduction and absorption projects in the implementation of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement.

We hope that this report will visualize the implementation status of Article 6 and promote understanding and awareness. In addition, we plan to continue to monitor the situation, update the information as necessary, and widely disseminate this report so that it can be used to promote implementation in various fields.

Related Event

COP29 Japan Pavilion-related event “Towards promoting Article 6 implementation through capacity building and private investment synergies”

  • Date and time: Monday, November 18, 15:45-17:00 (Azerbaijan time)
  • Location: Japan Pavilion, COP29, Baku, Azerbaijan
  • Summary: This seminar will bring together representatives of partner countries and organizations of A6IP, which was launched primarily by Japan, and will confirm the need to develop more capacity building and strengthen further cooperation with the private sector and various initiatives toward high integrity carbon markets. In addition, an overview of the “Paris Agreement Article 6 Implementation Status Report” will also be presented.

For further details:

Lean more about A6 ISR

A6 Implementation Status Report website: