3rd Plenary Meeting of the Paris Agreement Article 6 Implementation Partnership
To update on A6IP activities which align with the work program for A6 implementation by the key partner organizations.
Joint 3rd Working Groups Meeting of the Paris Agreement Article 6 Implementation Partnership
Stocktaking on Article 6 implementation progress and achievements.
Outcome of the side event of COP28 at Japan Pavilion “Enhancing NDCs through the Article 6 Implementation Partnership (A6IP): Launching of A6 Implementation Support Packages”
With many countries embarking on Article 6 implementation, coordinated yet country-driven capacity building becomes key to realizing high integrity carbon markets.
Joint Webinar: Article 6 Implementation Partnership (A6IP)/ IETA The state of Article 6 implementation after COP 28 What opportunities exist for the private sector?
To share updated information on Article 6 from COP 28 ‐ particularly, the commitment shown by various countries, which can influence private business trends.