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A6IP Center organized a Capacity Building Workshop on Paris Agreement Article 6 Implementation in Bangladesh

Article 6 Implementation Partnership (A6IP) Center organized a Capacity Building Workshop on Paris Agreement Article 6 Implementation in Bangladesh on Jan. 22nd and 23rd, 2025 in collaboration with the Department of Environment in Bangladesh, World Bank, USAID and Winrock International. The Workshop was inaugurated by Syeda Rizwana Hasan, Advisor of the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Bangladesh. More than hundred participants from government agencies, donor agencies, private sectors stakeholders attended the workshop and actively contributed to the discussion. The main objective of the workshop was to build the capacity of both public and private sector stakeholders on Article 6 and discuss the Article 6 implementation pathway in a collaborative approach in Bangladesh.

In the workshop, the participants discussed the progress, challenges, and opportunities in implementing carbon market mechanisms, while learning about several on-going international cooperation programs on carbon market from international experts and they include the A6IP, the Joint Crediting Mechanism, the Partnership for Market Implementation of the World Bank and USAID ART Activity.

Furthermore, group exercise was also conducted by engaging the participants in order to discuss potential mitigation activities in each of major sectors of the Updated NDC including Energy generation, Demand side energy efficiency, Transport, Industrial Processes and Product Use (IPPU) and Waste Group and Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU). Based on those mitigation activities that a draft of the the Positive List for implementation of Article 6 was proposed to accelerate formation of the carbon projects.

Bangladesh workshop
Bangladesh workshop
Bangladesh workshop
Bangladesh workshop
Bangladesh workshop
Bangladesh workshop
Bangladesh workshop
Bangladesh workshop
Bangladesh workshop
Bangladesh workshop
Bangladesh workshop
Bangladesh workshop