Outcome of the official side event of COP28 “Advancing the Article 6 Implementation Partnership (A6IP) towards high integrity carbon markets”
The Ministry of the Environment of Japan (MOEJ) held an official side event at COP28, focusing on presenting the Article 6 Implementation Support Package, sharing insights from ongoing Article 6 initiatives undertaken by various countries and organizations, and discussing strategies for effective capacity building for the successful implementation of Article 6.
Outline of the Meeting
1. Meeting Overview
Aim of the event was;
- Share the progress of the activities under the Article 6 Implementation Partnership (A6IP)
- Discuss the latest capacity-building tools and support package developed by A6IP and the way forward for its effective implementation.
- Engage with countries and agencies toward accelerating the Article 6 implementation.
<Opening Remarks>
Yutaka MATSUZAWA, Vice-Minister for Global Environmental Affairs, Ministry of the Environment, Japan (MOEJ)
<Participated countries and organizations>
Session 1: Presentations: A6IP in action
- A6IP Center: Abdessalem RABHI
Session 2: Leveraging resources and expertise to effectively advance the A6 Implementation Partnership
- GGGI (Moderator): Fenella Aouane
- Switzerland: Veronika Elgart / Felix Schmidt
- West Africa Climate Alliance: Ousmane Fall SARR
- Shell / IETA: Malek Al-Chalabi
- CEEW : Vaibhav Chaturvedi
- UNU-VIE : Emmanuel Cheo
- NCCC (Nigeria): Michael Ivenso
<Closing Remarks>
Yoshihiro MIZUTANI, Director for International Cooperation for Transition to Decarbonization and Sustainable Infrastructure, MOEJ
2. Summary
- A comprehensive approach to capacity building is essential, focusing on both government and private sector roles in operationalizing Article 6. This includes establishing a clear division within the government, engaging the private sector in pilot projects and market mechanisms, and integrating academic institutions and youth in the process to promote understanding and implementation of Article 6.
- Creating a platform such as A6IP that can facilitate knowledge exchange, peer-to-peer learning, active participation, and resource sharing is key, involving a range of stakeholders including governments, international organizations, universities, research institutions and others.
- Tailored capacity-building strategies for different countries and regions is essential. This includes assessing readiness for carbon market mechanisms, developing local verification and validation bodies, enhancing digital capabilities, and creating fair benefit-sharing methodologies.
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