Launch of the “Paris Agreement Article 6 Implementation Partnership”: Towards High Integrity Carbon Markets
On November 16, 2022, NISHIMURA Akihiro, Minister of the Environment, Japan declared the launch of the “Paris Agreement Article 6 Implementation Partnership” towards the development of high integrity carbon markets, at COP27.
The implementation of Article 6 is expected to revitalize decarbonization markets and private investment, and to contribute to global greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions and economic growth at the same time. On the other hand, institutional arrangements for implementing Article 6 and the sharing of knowledge are still issues to be addressed.
Therefore, the partnership will support capacity building in each country on implementation of Article 6, including by facilitating understanding of Article 6 rules and by implementing training, under international collaboration. At the time of launch (November 16, 2022), 40 countries and 23 institutions have pledged to participate, and we aim to further expand the partnership in the future.
In collaboration with the countries and international institutions participating in the partnership, Japan will take the lead in the global expansion of the market mechanisms in line with the Paris Agreement Article 6 and contribute to further global greenhouse gas emission reductions.
About the “Paris Agreement Article 6 Implementation Partnership”
(1) Summary
The partnership, which was launched by Japan at COP27, promotes international collaboration for capacity building related to the Paris Agreement Article 6, including by sharing good practices and supporting the implementation of Article 6.
(2) Areas of work
- Facilitate understanding of Article 6 rules and linkages with NDCs
- Share good practices for institutional arrangements incl. authorization and recording
- Develop an information platform for Article 6 implementation
- Conduct mutual learning and trainings for Article 6 reporting and review
- Support baseline methodology (tool development, etc.)
- Designing of high integrity carbon markets
(3) Homepage
About the launching event
(1) Dates Wednesday, 16 November 2022 from 13:00 to 14:30
Venue COP27 Japan Pavilion (Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt)
(2) Main participants
- Mr. NISHIMURA Akihiro, Minister of the Environment, Japan
- Mr. Simon STIELL, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Executive Secretary
- Ms. Grace FU, Minister for Sustainability and the Environment, Singapore
- Mr. Stefan WENZEL, Parliamentarian State Secretary of the German Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action
- Mr. James SHAW, Minister for Climate Change, and Associate Minister for Environment (Biodiversity), New Zealand
- Mr. Daniel WESTLÉN, State Secretary to Minister for Climate and the Environment, Sweden
- Mr. Madis KALLAS, Minister of the Environment, Estonia
- Mr. Trigg TALLEY, Director of the Office of Global Change, SPEC Managing Director, and Senior Advisor for Negotiations and Programming, U.S. Department of State
- Mr. Dirk FORRISTER, CEO and President of the International Emissions Trading Association
- Ms. Jennifer SARA, Global Director for Climate Change, World Bank
- Mr. Alessandro MODIANO, Ministry of Ecological Transition, Directorate General for European and International Activity, Special Envoy for Climate Change Director General, Italy
(3) Summary of the remark from our Minister
Based on the recognition that the establishment of a “high integrity carbon market” in line with Article 6 of the Paris Agreement is the key to further global emission reductions and that international collaboration is needed to meet the high needs of countries for the implementation of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, we hereby declare the launch of the Paris Agreement Article 6 Implementation Partnership.

(4) Summary of the launching event
The summary of the launching event can be downloaded here.
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