Landscape 05

4th A6IP Working Group on Tracking and Reporting

October 30th, 2024
19:00 – 21:30 JST / 11:00 – 13:30 CET / 6:00 – 8:30 ET (Online)


Options for tracking and the role of registry in enabling ITMOs reporting


All partner countries and relevant partner organizations


Summary of the 4th Working Group on Tracking and Reporting


Speakers and Moderaters

Hayato Nakamura

Hayato Nakamura

MC: Hayato Nakamura, A6IP Center

Kazuhisa Koakutsu

Kazuhisa Koakutsu

Kazuhisa Koakutsu, Director of the A6IP Center

Xavier Tibau Alberdi

Xavier Tibau Alberdi

Xavier Tibau Alberdi, UNFCCC Secretariat

Toshinori Hamaguchi

Toshinori Hamaguchi

Toshinori Hamaguchi, A6IP Center

Hari Gadde

Hari Gadde

Hari Gadde, The World Bank

Reina Otsuka, UNDP

Reina Otsuka

Reina Otsuka, UNDP

Supanut Chotevitayatarakorn

Supanut Chotevitayatarakorn

Session 3 Moderator: Supanut Chotevitayatarakorn, A6IP Center

Christina Magerkurth

Christina Magerkurth

Christina Magerkurth, ART Secretariat

Gan Rui Yun

Gan Rui Yun

Gan Rui Yun, Singapore

Ieva Steponaviciute

Ieva Steponaviciute

Ieva Steponaviciute, CAD-Trust

Agenda (MC: Hayato Nakamura, Program Manager, A6IP Center)

Time (JST)AgendaSpeakers

Session 1: Introduction


Welcome and updates on A6IP activities

Kazuhisa Koakutsu, Director of A6IP Center, IGES


Setting the scene: Tracking arrangements under Article 6 and remaining issues under negotiation

Xavier Tibau Alberdi, Associate Program Officer, UNFCCC secretariat

Session 2: Options for tracking arrangements: Exploring possible options for registry


Setting the scene: A6IP CB Tools – Possible options for registry

Toshinori Hamaguchi, Program Manager, A6IP Center


(40 mins)

Sharing information on registries provided by development partners (Presentation/10 mins each)

Guiding questions:

  • Functions provided by the registry in support of Article 6 tracking
  • Consideration on development and operational cost
  • How interested country may access support for the registry Q&A

– (Hari Gadde, Sr. Climate Change Specialist, World Bank]( - Reina Otsuka, Lead, Digital for Nature and Climate, UNDP

Session 3: Using registry to support Article 6 reporting (AEF): Sharing experience and perspectives for enhancing efficient and effective reporting by using registry information

Moderated by Supanut Chotevitayatarakorn, Program Manager, A6IP Center


Experience to support Guyana’s submission of Article 6 reports on ITMOs issued under the ART-TREES Registry

Christina Magerkurth, Managing Director, ART Secretariat


Role of Article 6 Playbook in facilitating Article 6 tracking and reporting

Gan Rui Yun, Singapore


Registry data to AEF reporting; exploring possibilities to support the country’s report formulation by using CAD-Trust

Ieva Steponaviciute, Director for Strategy and Outreach, CAD-Trust



Session moderator

Session 4: Discussion


(20 mins)

Towards Baku/COP 29 – Finalization of AEF; facilitating Article 6 reporting through tracking infrastructure

Guiding questions:

  • How the registry can ensure efficient reporting of AEF
  • What should be the country’s role and necessary capacity needed
  • How the country’s efforts can best be supported through a multi-registry transparency platform (CAD-Trust)

Initial remarks from previous speakers (3-5 mins each)

Session moderator

Session 5: Concluding


Summary and future A6IP plan

Kazuhisa Koakutsu, Director of A6IP Center, IGES