Landscape 05

3rd Plenary Meeting of the Paris Agreement Article 6 Implementation Partnership

March 19th, 2024 from 19:00 to 22:00 JST
(12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. CEST, 6:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. EDT)


  • To update on A6IP activities which align with the work program for A6 implementation by the key partner organizations
  • To share lessons learned/best practices as well as challenges from partner countries
  • To promote synergies for the Article 6 implementation towards high integrity carbon markets through partnering with the private sector and identifying their roles in the work program


All partners

Agenda (MC: Hayato Nakamura, A6IP Center)

Time (JST)AgendaSpeakers



Opening Remarks

Yutaka Matsuzawa, Vice-Minister for Global Environmental Affairs, Ministry of Environment, Japan

Session 1: Updates on A6IP activities and work program for A6 implementation


  • Updates on A6IP activities

  • A6IP work program for 2024-2025

Kazuhisa Koakutsu, Director, A6IP Center

Supanut Chotevitayatarakorn, Program Manager, A6IP Center


  • Work program of UNFCCC secretariat

  • Work program of WB/ PMI

Perumal Arumugam, UNFCCC Secretariat (TBC)

Hari Gadde, Senior Climate Change Specialist, Practice of Climate Finance and Economics Unit, Climate Change Group. World Bank


Q&A/Comments from the audience

Session 2: Sharing lessons learned on A6 Implementation


  • Country status/ efforts onArticle 6

  • What are the key challenges,opportunities, and good practices in Article 6 to scale up?

  • Sharing thoughts and lessons for the Article 6implementation on the ground

Diana Khan, Ph.D., Program Manager, A6IP Center

Paweena Panichayapichet, Manager, Carbon Credit Certification Office, Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization, Thailand

Raïda El Elj, Director of Implementation and Support Mechanisms, Climate Change National Coordination Unit, Ministry of Environment,Tunisia.

Dr. Krishan Kishor Garg, Joint Director/Scientist-D (HSM DIVISION), Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, India

Dr Alick Muvundika, MZaAS Acting Deputy Director, NISIR, Zambia

Dr. Alexandra Soezer, Gulf Organization for Research and Development- GORD (Discussant)


Q&A/Comments from the audience

Session 3: Panel discussion on A6IP actors in the private sector


The vital roles of the private sector inaccelerating the implementation of Article 6/ high integrity carbonmarkets

Moderator: Kazuhisa Koakutsu, Director, A6IP Center


Andrea Bonzanni, International Policy Director, IETA

Raffaella Infanti, Engagement Manager, VCMI (TBC)

Ben Rattenbuy, Vice President of Policy,Sylvera

Hugh Salway, Senior Director, MarketDevelopment and Partnerships, Gold Standard


Q&A/Comments from the audience


Closing Remarks

Yasuo Takahashi, Executive Director, IGES