Landscape 05

2nd Plenary Meeting of the Paris Agreement Article 6 Implementation Partnership

September 1st, 2023, from 19:00 to 22:00 JST
(12:00pm-3:00pm CEST, 6:00am-9:00 am EDT)


  • Introduction of the Paris Agreement Article 6 Implementation Partnership (A6IP) Center
  • Promoting regional synergies and scale-up for the Article 6 implementation
  • Exploring opportunities for learning Article 6 and the Paris Agreement


All partners

Agenda of Sep. 1st (MC: Abdessalem Rabhi, A6IP Center)

Time (JST)AgendaSpeakers


Opening remarks

Yutaka Matsuzawa, Vice-Minister for Global Environmental Affairs, Ministry of the Environment, Japan (MOEJ)

Session 1: Progress of the A6IP and establishment of the Center - Video for Session 1


  • Updates on A6IP

  • Introduction of A6IP Center

  • A6 Implementation package support

Sadamitsu Sakoguchi, Assistant Director, Office of Director for International Cooperation for Transition to Decarbonization and Sustainable Infrastructure, MOEJ

Kazuhisa Koakutsu, Director of A6IP Center


Comments from partners

Session 2: Regional support for Article 6 Implementation - Video for Session 2


Regional activities Synergies and Scale-up

  • Presentation: Mapping of regional resources and synergies

  • Panel Discussion

  • Moderator: Kazuhisa Koakutsu, A6IP Center

Chatthep Chanyam, Climate Change Technical officer, A6IP Center


Perumal Arumugan, Manager, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)

Hari Gadde, Senior Climate Change Specialist, Carbon Markets and Innovation Practice of the Climate Change Group, World Bank

Ousmane Fall Sarr, Coordinator, West African Alliance

Isaac Rubayiza, Eastern Africa Alliance

Cristina Figueroa Vargas, Technical Focal Point in the Technical Subgroup on MRV of the Pacific Alliance, Climate Change Division, Ministry of Environment, Government of Chile

Virender Kumar Duggal, Principal Climate Change Specialist, Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Jan-Willem van de Ven, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)

Pedro Venzon, International Policy Advisor, International Emissions Trading Association (IETA)


Overall discussion

Session 3: Information sharing from partners - Video for Session 3


UNU education programme to support implementation of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement

Akio Takemoto, Head of Programme and Administration, United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS)


Activities supporting A6 implementation

Karen Holm Olsen, Senior Advisor, Carbon Market Coordinator, UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre (UNEP-CCC)


Overall discussion


Closing remarks

Yasuo Takahashi, Executive Director, IGES