Results of Part 2 of the International Conference for Implementing Article 6 of the Paris Agreement hosted by the Ministry of the Environment, Japan (MOEJ)
Following Part 1 of the International Conference for Implementing Article 6 of the Paris Agreement held last month, the Ministry of the Environment, Japan (MOEJ), held Part 2 online on March 7, 2022. The conference was held with the aim of advancing specific discussion on capacity building together with other governments and related organizations for the implementation of the market mechanism under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. Participants discussed support for system development and capacity building for the implementation of Article 6.
1. Outline of the Conference (online)
(1) Date and time: March 7, 2022 (19:00-22:00 JST / 11:00-14:00 CET)
(2) Participating nations: 91 countries (the number of registrations)
2. Outline of the discussion
At the beginning of the conference, ONO Hiroshi, Director-General, Global Environment Bureau, MOEJ, introduced the expectations toward implementation and expansion of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, which were stated in Part 1 of the conference by Minister of the Environment Yamaguchi, Ms. Espinosa, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), COP26 President Sharma, and Ambassador Aboulmagd from Egypt, which chairs COP27. Director-General Ono also stated that the MOEJ would contribute to the discussions towards global implementation of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement by clarifying future directions, such as coordination with the activities of the wide range of international organizations related to Article 6.
An official of the MOEJ presented the outline and specific discussions of the Part1 of the conference. Then, the Regional Collaboration Centre (RCC) of UNFCCC introduced their results of activities and experiences, in the terms of the host country’s experience with capacity building programs on greenhouse gas emission reduction projects.
Moreover, in the part “Article 6 Implementation Structure and Capacity Building Program” moderated by an MOEJ officer, among 1) the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), 2) the East African Alliance on Carbon Markets and Climate Finance, 3) the West African Alliance on Carbon Markets and Climate Finance, 4) the Asian Development Bank, the World Bank, and 5) the International Emissions Trading Association, each institution introduced their initiatives. IGES introduced initiatives for structure and capacity building towards early implementation of Article 6, based on the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM), the pioneering bilateral market mechanism of Article 6, led by Japan.
3. For the future
For countries in the Asia-Pacific region, Japan will offer support in the forms of capacity building for governments and business sectors and training including Corresponding Adjustment for the Article 6 report, in order to contribute to global implementation of the market mechanism of Article 6, upon the results of Part 1 and 2 of the International Conference for Implementing Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. Working together with the UNFCCC, the MOEJ will also clarify information related to activities for the capacity building considered to be necessary, while collecting and analyzing information related to activities which have been conducted towards the completion of Article 6 in the world.
4. Details of the conference are available at the following links:
- (Japanese) https://www.iges.or.jp/jp/events/20220217
- (English) https://www.iges.or.jp/en/events/20220217
Summary of the 2nd part of the International Conference for Implementing Article 6: Please see the attachment.
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