October 17-18, 2024
Rome, Italy (October 16, Pre-Session)

Article 6 Implementation Partnership (A6IP) Center participated in the 2024 Strategic Dialogue of the Carbon Market Platform (CMP) in Rome, Italy as one of the knowledge partners in the conference. The CMP is held in relation to the G7-based dialogue on the Carbon Market every year, and this year, it was co-chaired by Italy and Japan. The OECD, as a secretariat of the CMP meeting, has provided various studies and coordinated/facilitated the discussion together with the chairs.
Kazuhiza KOAKUTSU, Director of A6IP Center, presented the updates on the G7 Principles of High Integrity of Carbon Markets (2023) in terms of Article 6. Whilst having progressed for all supply-side integrity, demand-side integrity, and market integrity, there are various challenges, i.e, such as environmental integrity in the methodological and reporting requirements (supply side), capacity building should involve actual cooperative approaches (demand side), and enhancing the functionality of registries- tracking should enable users and public to identify information both voluntary and compliance purposes (market). Independent initiatives and private sector representatives, as well as countries, shared their views and way forward for the works on high integrity matters.
In parallel with the discussion on the implementation of the principles of the high integrity carbon market, the CMP session this time dealt with extensively the matters around Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) solutions – both nature-based/ or short-term, and technological intervention or long-term removal (incl. Direct Air Capture/ Carbon Engineering) by involving private sector experts, which is quite the most updated discussion made around the Carbon Market/ Climate Change.