4th A6IP Working Group on Authorization

July 31st, 2024
19:00 – 21:30 JST / 12:00 – 14:30 CET / 6:00 – 8:30 ET
Focus: Authorization framework and procedures


  • Explore the available tools and means of support by development partners that assist countries in putting in place authorization arrangements for Article 6;
  • Share country experience with formulating authorization framework and procedures; and
  • Discuss what areas of support or toolkits are further needed to help countries making strategic decisions on authorization.


All partner countries and relevant partner organizations

Agenda (MC: Diana Khan, Manager, A6IP Center)

Time (JST) Agenda Speakers
Session 1: Introduction
19:00-19:10 Updates on A6IP recent activities Kazuhisa Koakutsu, Director of A6IP Center, IGES adobe PDF icon [PDF 1MB]
19:10-19:20 Updates on SB 60’s negotiation on Article 6 and progress on authorization Michael Vartanyan, UNFCCC secretariat adobe PDF icon [PDF 104KB]
Session 2: Tools to support authorization consideration
(45 mins)
Sharing development partners’ tools and/or activities and their roles in supporting countries in building readiness for authorization (10 mins each)
– A6IP Capacity Building Tools
– The World Bank’s initiatives
– NDC Partnership’s Article 6 Readiness Toolbox
– SPAR6C Toolbox
– Other tools/activities by partners
Supanut Chotevitayatarakorn, DProgram Manager, A6IP Center adobe PDF icon [PDF 1MB]
Hari Gadde, Senior Climate Change Specialist, The World Bank adobe PDF icon [PDF 345KB]
Molly McGregor, Head of Knowledge Management, NDC Partnership
Jorge Lujan, Project Manager, Enery Changes (on behalf of SPAR6C Program) adobe PDF icon [PDF 3MB]
Session 3: Sharing country experience
(45 mins)
Sharing countries’ experience in formulating authorization framework (incl. e.g. terms and provisions, criteria, positive/negative list) and procedures (10 mins each)
Shao Hua Ng, Manager, Global Partnerships, National Climate Change Secretariat, Singapore
Sophal Leang, Deputy Director of Department of Climate Change, Cambodia adobe PDF icon [PDF 1MB]
Session 4: Discussion
(30 mins)
Open discussion: Guiding question – What areas of support or toolkits are further needed to support countries in making strategic decision on authorization Initial remarks from previous country and organization speakers (3-5 mins each)
Moderated by MC
Session 5: Concluding
21:20-21:30 Summary and future A6IP plan Kazuhisa Koakutsu, Director of A6IP Center, IGES