Landscape 05

1st Tracking Working Group of the Paris Agreement Article 6 Implementation Partnership

May 10th, 2023, from 20:00 to 22:15 JST (11:00 to 13:15 GMT)
May 12th, 2023, from 8:00 to 10:15 JST (May 11th 23:00 to May 12th 1:15 GMT)


  • Exchange information from partner countries and organizations involved in tracking for Article 6
  • Promote the development of a tool for tracking


All partner countries and relevant partner organizations

Agenda of May 10th and 12th (MC: Kentaro Takahashi, IGES)

Time (JST)AgendaSpeakers

10th: 20:00-20:05

12th: 8:00-8:05


Kazuhisa Koakutsu, MOEJ

Session 1: Information sharing on tracking from partner countries

10th: 20:05-20:20

12th: 8:05-8:20

Introductory presentation on tracking of Article 6

Sana Lingorsky, UNFCCC Secretariat

Video for Session 1 UNFCCC

10th: 20:20-21:00

12th: 8:20-9:00

Presentations on the status of and the efforts for tracking


Simon Fellermeyer, Federal Office for the Environment of Switzerland;

Daniel Benefoh, Environmental Protection Agency, Ghana;

Eri Matsumoto, Ministry of the Environment, Japan;

Video for Session 1 on 10th


Rueban Manokara, National Climate Change Secretariat, Singapore;

Jacqueline Ruesga-Price, Ministry for the Environment, New Zealand;

Eri Matsumoto, Ministry of the Environment, Japan;

Video for Session 1 on 12th

10th: 21:00-21:10

12th: 9:00-9:10


All participants

Session 2: Information sharing on tracking from supporting agencies

10th: 21:10-21:40

12th: 9:10-9:40

Presentations on capacity building for tracking

Alexandra Soezer, UNDP;

Hari Gadde, World Bank

Video for Session 2

10th: 21:40-21:50

12th: 9:40-9:50


All participants

Session 3: Discussion of the development of a tool for tracking (Moderator: Kazuhisa Koakutsu, MOEJ)

10th: 21:50-22:00

12th: 9:50-10:00



10th: 22:00-22:10

12th: 10:00-10:10


All participants

10th: 22:10-22:15

12th: 10:10-10:15

Way forward


Acronyms: MOEJ-Ministry of Environment, Japan; UNFCCC-United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change; UNDP- United Nations Development Programme