1st Private Sector Working Group Meeting of the Paris Agreement
Article 6 Implementation Partnership

May. 24th, 2024, from 19:00 to 20:45 JST
(12:00pm-1:45pm CEST, 6:00am-7:45 am EDT)


  • To launch the Private Sector Working Group of A6IP, introduce its members and objectives
  • To share ongoing plans and actions to implement Article 6 and build high-integrity carbon markets
  • To highlight the potential challenges of the private sector to the government partners of A6IP in implementing A6 in their jurisdictions
  • To explore the collaborative actions, which can potentially involve private companies of the A6IP partners


All partners

Agenda of Sep (MC: Hayato Nakamura, Program Manager, A6IP)

Time (JST) Agenda Speakers
19:00–19:05 Opening Remarks Andrea Bonzanni, International Policy Director,IETA
Bjorn Fonden, International Policy Advisor, IETA
Background of Private Sector WG-
  • Path of A6IP (incl. the G7 principles of High Integrity Carbon Markets) and the private sector
  • Expectations for Private Sector WG
Kazuhisa KOAKUTSU, Director, A6IP adobe PDF icon [PDF 688KB]
19:15-19:20 Q&A/Comments from the audience
19:20-19:30 Poll Andrea Bonzanni, IETA
Session 2: Ongoing Work Towards High-Integrity of Carbon Markets [Panel]
  • Expectations for Article 6 implementation in 2024 and beyond
  • Actual examples of the interaction between the principles of High Integrity Carbon Markets (incl. voluntary carbon market) and Article 6
Andrea Bonzanni, IETA(Panel Moderator)
Anton Tsvetov,ICVCM
Bianca Gichangi,VCMI/Kenya
Robin Green,Carbonplace
Christy Magerkurth,ART TREES
Svenja Telle,Base Carbon
20:20-20:35 Q&A/Comments from the audience
Session 3: Towards Collective Actions
20:35–20:40 Future arrangements of A6IP Private Sector WG Andrea Bonzanni, IETA
20:40-20:45 Closing remarks Kazuhisa KOAKUTSU, A6IP

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