1st Private Sector Working Group Meeting of the Paris Agreement
Article 6 Implementation Partnership

May. 24th, 2024, from 19:00 to 20:45 JST(12:00pm-1:45pm CEST, 6:00am-7:45 am EDT) Online Objectives Participants All partners Agenda of Sep (MC: Hayato Nakamura, Program Manager, A6IP) Time (JST) Agenda Speakers Introduction 19:00–19:05 Opening Remarks Andrea Bonzanni, International Policy Director,IETA Bjorn Fonden, International Policy Advisor, IETA Background of Private Sector WG- […]

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Advisory Group Meeting

The first A6IP Advisory Group meeting convened on March 7th and 8th, 2024, in Hayama Town, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. A total of 48 participants, including 23 joining remotely, gathered from diverse corners of the globe, primarily comprising practitioners engaged with Article 6 of the Paris Agreement across various nations. The […]

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Outcome of the side event of COP28 at Japan Pavilion
“Enhancing NDCs through the Article 6 Implementation Partnership (A6IP): Launching of A6 Implementation Support Packages”

With many countries embarking on Article 6 implementation, coordinated yet country-driven capacity building becomes key to realizing high integrity carbon markets. This event launched the Article 6 Implementation support package, together with capacity building tools to support enhancing the NDCs. 【Outline of the Side Event】 1. Side Event Overview <Opening […]

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Joint Webinar: Article 6 Implementation Partnership (A6IP)/ IETA
The state of Article 6 implementation after COP 28
What opportunities exis t for the private sector?

January 24th, 2024 7:00 pm‐8:45 pm Tokyo / 6:00 pm‐7:45 pm Singapore / 5:00 pm‐6:45 pm Bangkok11:00 am‐ 12:45 pm Berlin / 10:00 am‐ 11:45 am LondonOnline Objectives Agenda (MC: Hayato Nakamura, Programme Manager, A6IP Center) Time (Tokyo) Agenda Speakers Introduction 19:00–19:10 Introduction Kazuhisa Koakutsu, Director of A6IP Center Andrea […]

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Outcome of the official side event of COP28
“Advancing the Article 6 Implementation Partnership (A6IP) towards high integrity carbon markets”

The Ministry of the Environment of Japan (MOEJ) held an official side event at COP28, focusing on presenting the Article 6 Implementation Support Package, sharing insights from ongoing Article 6 initiatives undertaken by various countries and organizations, and discussing strategies for effective capacity building for the successful implementation of Article […]

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SB 58 Side event
“Update on progress and the way forward for the Paris Agreement Article 6 Implementation Partnership and Market Infrastructure”

Summary Summary of SB 58 Side event [PDF 434KB] Agenda (MC: Makoto Kato, OECC) Time (JST) Agenda Speakers Opening remark 10:15-10:20 Kazuhisa Koakutsu, Director of International Negotiations, MOE Japan 10:20-10:35 Kazuhiko Takemoto, President, OECC Session 1: Update of the Article 6 Implementation Partnership 10:25-10:35 The work done since its establishment […]

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Results of the official side event of COP27
“Sharing best practices and lessons learned from capacity building for implementation of Article 6”

The Ministry of the Environment of Japan (MOEJ) held an official side event at COP27 to share countries’ and organizations’ efforts and challenges in building capacity for Article 6 implementation and to discuss the effective implementation of Article 6 from the viewpoints of both the supply side and the recipient […]

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