NEW!The Paris Agreement Article 6 Expert Training

September 25th – 27th, 2024
The LecTore Hayama (Room 103), Hayama, Japan


  • Enhancing understanding of national experts on Article 6 rulebook and implementation aspects
  • Facilitating exchanges among national experts on Article 6 readiness preparation and implementation
  • Create a space for mutual learning and sharing of country experience and lessons learnt among national experts
  • Building networks of Article 6 national expert

Agenda (MC: Supanut Chotevitayatarakorn, Program Manager, A6IP Center)


Time (JST) Agenda Speakers
Session 1: Introduction
08:30-08:45 Registration
08:45-08:55 Welcome Remarks Kazuhisa Koakutsu, Director of A6IP Center(Online)
08:55-09:05 Opening Remarks Kentaro Takahashi, Deputy Director, Office of Int’l Carbon Market, Global Environment Bureau, Ministry of the Environment, Japan
09:05-09:20 Participant introduction Moderated by A6IP Center
Session 2: Introduction to Article 6
09:20-09:50 Background on Article 6 rules and key principles and relationship with Paris Agreement architecture Kazuhisa Koakutsu, Director of A6IP Center (Online)adobe PDF icon [PDF 1MB]
09:50-10:05 Q&A Moderated by A6IP Center
10:05-10:35 Overview of carbon market landscape and linkages with Article 6. Recent state and trends of carbon market and Article 6 implementation Hari Gadde, Sr. Climate Change Specialist, World Bank (Online)adobe PDF icon [PDF 2MB]
10:35-10:50 Q&A Moderated by A6IP Center
10:50-11:05 Morning tea ⁄ coffee break
11:05-11:25 Article 6 strategy: Identifying opportunities and managing risks Hari Gadde, Sr. Climate Change Specialist, World Bank (Online)adobe PDF icon [PDF 946KB]
11:25-11:40 Q&A Moderated by A6IP Center
11:40-12:00 Interactive poll: Country status – Readiness assessment of fulfillment of Article 6 participation responsibilities Moderated by A6IP Center
12:00-13:00 Lunch
Session 3: Communicating the benefits of Article 6
Lead by Thelma Tsungirirayi Mahachi, Policy Researcher, A6IP Center
13:00-13:20 Article 6 role in NDC ambition Thelma Tsungirirayi Mahachi, Policy Researcher, A6IP Centeradobe PDF icon [PDF 759KB]
13:20-13:40 Economic potentials of Article 6 and benefits from private sector engagement Bjorn Fonden, Policy Advisor, IETA (Online)adobe PDF icon [PDF 3MB]
13:40-14:00 Article 6 role in promoting sustainable development and transformational change Abhishek Kaushik, Senior Advisor, UNEP-CCC (Online)
14:00-14:30 Q&A ⁄ Discussion Moderated by A6IP Center
14:30-14:45 Afternoon tea ⁄ coffee break
Session 4: Article 6.2 authorization
Lead by Supanut Chotevitayatarakorn, Program Manager, and Rabhi Abdessalem, Program Manager, A6IP Center
14:45-15:10 Overview of authorization under Article 6.2 Supanut Chotevitayatarakorn, Program Manager, A6IP Centeradobe PDF icon [PDF 587KB]
15:10-15:30 Q&A ⁄ Discussion Moderated by A6IP Center
15:30-15:50 Authorization in Practice: Sharing experience on authorization consideration Country representatives Initial remarks (5 mins)
– Thailand
– Sri Lankaadobe PDF icon [PDF 136KB]
– Oman
15:50-16:30 Group exercise: What would be your key criteria for considering authorization? (5 break-out groups) Moderated by A6IP Centeradobe PDF icon [PDF 172KB]
16:30-17:00 Report back and summary ⁄ Wrap up Moderated by A6IP Center
18:30 Reception @ IGES HQ
Remarks by Kazuhisa Koakutsu, Director of A6IP Center
Hosted by A6IP Center ⁄ IGES


Time (JST) Agenda Speakers
09:00-09:10 Check in
09:10-09:20 Recap of Day 1 and introduction to Day 2 A6IP Center
Session 5: Article 6.2 tracking and linkages with ITMOs reporting
Lead by Toshinori Hamaguchi, Program Manager, A6IP Center
09:20-09:40 Overview of tracking requirements under Article 6.2 Toshinori Hamaguchi, Program Manager, A6IP Centeradobe PDF icon [PDF 633KB]
09:40-10:00 Linkages of tracking to reporting of AEF Supanut Chotevitayatarakorn, Program Manager, A6IP Centeradobe PDF icon [PDF 396KB]
10:00-10:20 Q&A ⁄ Discussion Moderated by A6IP Center
10:20-10:40 Morning tea ⁄ coffee break
Registry in Practice: Case study of registry provided by development partners – Gemma Torras Vives, Climate & Technology Specialist, World Bank (Online)
– Kentaro Takahashi, Deputy Director, Office of Int’l Carbon Market, Global Environment Bureau, Ministry of the Environment, Japanadobe PDF icon [PDF 2MB]
11:20-11:40 Registry in Practice: Role of CAD Trust in promoting transparency Ieva Steponaviciute, Director for Strategy and Outreach, CAD Trust (Online)adobe PDF icon [PDF 1MB]
11:40-12:00 Q&A ⁄ Discussion Moderated by A6IP Center
12:00-13:00 Lunch
13:00-13:20 International registry’s development status and functionalities Perumal Arumugam, Manager, UNFCCC Secretariat (Online)
13:20-13:30 Q&A
Session 6: Building readiness for Article 6.4 implementation
Moderate by Supanut Chotevitayatarakorn, Program Manager, A6IP Center
13:30-13:50 Overview of Article 6.4 RMP and the standards and procedures developed by Article 6.4 Supervisory Body Perumal Arumugam, Manager, UNFCCC Secretariat (Online)
13:50-14:10 CDM Transition and Current Status Perumal Arumugam, Manager, UNFCCC Secretariat (Online)
14:10-14:25 Q&A ⁄ Discussion Moderated by A6IP Center
14:25-14:45 Preparation of Host Party participation requirements for Article 6.4 mechanism Supanut Chotevitayatarakorn, Program Manager, A6IP Centeradobe PDF icon [PDF 727KB]
14:45-14:55 Q&A ⁄ Discussion Moderated by A6IP Center
14:55-15:10 Afternoon tea ⁄ coffee break
Session 7: Article 6.2 Initial Report
Lead by Chatthep Chanyam, Technical Officer, A6IP Center
15:10-15:30 Overview of reporting and review under Article 6.2 Chatthep Chanyam, Technical Officer, A6IP Centeradobe PDF icon [PDF 721KB]
15:30-15:50 Preparation of Article 6.2 Initial Report Chatthep Chanyam, Technical Officer, A6IP Centeradobe PDF icon [PDF 721KB]
15:50-16:10 Q&A ⁄ Discussion Moderated by A6IP Center
16:10-16:40 Group exercise: Identifying sources of information for IR reporting and further policy or technical actions required (5 break-out groups) Moderated by A6IP Centeradobe PDF icon [PDF 298KB]
16:40-17:00 Report back and summary Moderated by A6IP Center
17:00-17:10 Wrap up of Day 2 A6IP Center


Time (JST) Agenda Speakers
08:30-08:45 Check in
08:45-09:00 Recap of Day 2 and introduction to Day 3 A6IP Center
Session 8: Other international mitigation purposes (OIMPs) – Use for CORSIA
Moderate by Diana Khan, Program Manager, A6IP Center
09:00-09:20 Introduction to CORSIA Abijith Amberi Premanand, Assistant Manager Climate Policy S&E-Policy and Standards IATA (Online)adobe PDF icon [PDF 5MB]
09:20-09:40 Linkages between CORSIA and Article 6 Supanut Chotevitayatarakorn, Program Manager, A6IP Centeradobe PDF icon [PDF 651KB]
09:40-10:00 Q&A ⁄ Discussion Moderated by A6IP Center
Session 9: Article 6.2 reporting on corresponding adjustments
Lead by Chatthep Chanyam, Technical Officer, A6IP Center
10:00-10:20 Corresponding adjustments: Methods and application Chatthep Chanyam, Technical Officer, A6IP Centeradobe PDF icon [PDF 953KB]
10:20-10:40 Q&A ⁄ Discussion Moderated by A6IP Center
10:40-11:10 Group exercise: Filling Article 6 information in the structured summary Moderated by A6IP Centeradobe PDF icon [PDF 145KB]
11:10-11:30 Morning tea/coffee break
Allocated time for online quiz: Assessment of the results of expert training (Individualassessment)
11:30-11:45 Report back and summary Moderated by A6IP Center
Session 10: Wrap up and concluding
11:45-12:00 Feedback ⁄ assessment of the expert training and expectations for future trainings Moderated by A6IP Center (Diana Khan)
12:00-12:10 Closing remarks Hiroshi Ono, Special Policy Advisor, IGES